I’m renzo.

I am @renzokott on Twitter and renzok on GitHub. And no, I do not have a Facebook account, but you can find me on LinkedIn.

As teen I was a comic and non-fiction books kid and became a reader of serious fiction from ranging from author’s like Assimov and Arthur C. Clarke in science fiction; William S. Burroughs, Jack Kerouc and others from the Beat Generation; french writers (sometimes called existentialists) mostly Camus and Satre; and crime novels including Eric Ambler, Jakob Arjouni, Andrea Camilleri, Raymond Chandler and many others…

I am located in Bremen. Too small for a metropol and too large for a city. I like to settle in the balance between extremes.

#Why this page?

Reason 1:

doce ut discas (Teach, that you yourself may learn.)

from Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

Reason 2:

If you can’t explain something well enough you probably don’t understand it well enough

Albert Einstein

Reason 3:

Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.

Abelson & Sussman, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs in Preface to the First Edition

A good programmer is a good writer: http://blog.markpearl.co.za/Programming-subset-of-writing/

Therefore, I aim to write more than code and scientific papers